Iona Medical Centre offers consultations both in-person and by telehealth and uses an appointment scheduling system that is flexible enough to accommodate patients with urgent, non-urgent, complex and planned chronic care, and preventative needs.
It is important to allow enough time for adequate communication between you and your doctor. As such, appointments are made at 10 minute intervals. You are encouraged to ask reception staff at the time of booking for a longer appointment if you think it is necessary. Alternatively, please select ‘Long Consult’ when booking online.
Appointments which may require extra time include: medical forms, skin checks, pap smears and consultations in which more than one issue needs addressing.
Whilst staff will make every effort to provide you with your preferred appointment time, emergencies will always be given priority. In the event of an unforeseeable delay, staff will attempt to contact you.
Telephone 46322331 for attention at all times.
After-hours care is provided by Hello Home Doctor; a fully accredited Medical Deputising Service provider. All consultations provided by Hello Home Doctor will take place in your home and will be bulk-billed. After your consultation with Hello Home Doctor, a report will be sent back to your regular GP to ensure continuity of care.
For urgent medical attention outside of these hours, please present to your nearest Emergency Department
For all emergencies, including chest pain, dial 000.
Nursing Home Visits & Home Visits
Nursing home visits & home visits will be made at your doctor’s discretion if your condition makes it impossible to attend the practice and you live in Toowoomba.